Thursday, August 13, 2020

USA instigating in Beirut?



13 August 2020

US made Color-Revolution

Now in Lebanon ?

By: Karsten Riise

The US techniques for undercover engineering of all-but-spontaneous "public " Color Revolutions in East Europe is well described in this paper: 

It is a full US cookbook for financing, propaganda (incl. lies), training and managing "popular" uprisings against regimes which are on the hit-list of the West. It is all wrapped in words of "democracy" - but the true purpose is anything but democratic.

These US intervention techniques were developed early during the cold war and afterwards in East Europe (Poland, Romania etc). Learning from this practice, the US subsequently perfected its regime-change techniques in Serbia's Bulldozer Revolution in 2000 (against Milosevic). The US "template" of "Color" regime-change was then transferred from Serbia to Georgia's Rose Revolution, 2003 (against Shevardnadze) and the Ukraine Orange Revolution 2005 and Euro-Maidan Revolution 2014 (against Yanukovych) - in Ukraine's case 2014 with aid from local Nazi groups, all while the US silenced Jewish groups (like ADL, the Anti-Defamation League) from criticizing the coalition of the US with local Nazism. That year, the Jewish Anti-Defamation League voicedly pointed out a single cultural person in France, while not mentioning the rise of Nazism in Ukraine with one word. 

What is NOT generaly in the paper referred to above, is now how the US has spread its subversive "color-techniques" to the rest of the world - incl. the Middle East and probably Africa (Mobuto in Zimbabwe?).

An Al Jazeera program from back then, described in detail how Egyptian Tahrir activists in 2013 (against Mubarak) were daily in video-contact to receive ideas and instructions from (US supported) activists in Serbia, who had learned how to topple a president (Milosevic). When it turned out later, that Egypt's political winners after the US supported demonstrated toppled Mubarak would not be western supported "liberal" groups, but instead be Muslim politicians, the USA quickly reversed totally "on its support for Arab democracy" and reinstated Egypt's social model from before.

The case how the USA reversed its own course in Egypt very instructive demonstrates, that pronounced issues of democracy, corruption, human rights and so on and on are not the real concern of the USA. No - it is all about US control. Lack of US enthusiasm for "democracy" in a range of other US-friendly countries also speaks louder than words. Clearly, the USA does not want democracy, if the people like in Chile (Allende), Gaza, Iran, or Egypt does not by itself nominate precisely the government which the USA and its friends want.

Thus, the "Green Movement" of the "People of Iran" seem to have followed the same pattern: "spontaneous" public outrage - Made in the USA.

Lebanon is especially interesting these days. Events have created a lot of outrage among common Lebanese, and the USA & Friends with their mass-media, agents and infuencers successfully lay all blame on the government of Lebanon. This, of course, without the West really wanting to investigate, what actually happened. So-called "neglect" can be manipulated and have many causes (including external ones) - and something MORE than neglect (perhaps from outside) is needed to turn "neglect" into a catastrophe to create rage among people. 

When public catastrophes happen in the West, for instance in London, Western governments are quick to use prepared campaigns to say "turn to love" in order to redirect grief away from forceful actions in the streets.

In Lebanon, exactly the oppposite is directed by Western media-sources, turning the Lebanese people's grief into a maximum of very Western-focused popular street-action.

The Christian élite in Lebanon found it in Christian interest to strike a balance with Lebanon's other strong group, the Shia population and Hezbollah. Something which not surprisingy has annoyed Sunni powers abroad (think of one). And a Christian working relationship with Hezbollah in Lebanon is everything which the USA, Israel and France-EU do NOT want. A lot of foreign powers have strong motif to create an event for "rage" and manipulate these feelings of rage into a "popular" anti-government directed "color-revolution" among the Lebanese.

We see the pattern in Lebanon's probably-not-so-spontaneous "Cedar Revolution". And we see, how Lebanon's also not so spontaneous "Day of Rage" could very probably be deliberately designed - based on turning grief in Lebanon to anger directed against perceived enemies of USA, France, Israel, and other powers in the Region.

Karsten Riise
Partner & Editor





A fuller exposition of US color revolutions is supposed to be in this book (which I have not read):  

On Ukraine, with Democratic accusations against Trump for "wrongdoing" in Ukraine and the role in Ukraine of US president-hopeful Biden, this article is also interesting: